Match Report – O35.2 – 03/07/2016

Match Report – O35.2 – Game Date: 03/07/2016

BMFC O35.2: 4
Penrith Rovers FC: 0

BMFC Goal Scorers: Ibs, GB, Voldemordt, Dre

Player of the Match: All

Match Report: It was a dark and stormy morning that the o35 2’s (first on the table) took on number 2. And the team had some questions to answer after watching an excellent effort (the week before) go unrewarded.

Some of those questions were answered early on … with two quick goals!!!! Ibs and Gibs both put their mark on the game putting a goal away. Afterwards the team reset, put the umbrellas up, and weathered the oppositions dribble.

The second half was a little more scrappy but the great highlight was the intensity (all players working for each other). Earlier in the week, the team coined the phrase ‘composed intensity’ with the required statistic being the ‘CI index’. This was our answer to the contradiction of soccer – the need for intensity and composure at the same time. We nailed it this weekend!

The second half brought more umbrella wearing and of course two more magical goals. One from Voldemordt, after Crank played him in off the post! And then there was Dre who put himself into the perfect position to make the goalie cry. Dre takes the cake for best after goal celebrations with a 76.5cm knee slide!!!!

A great effort all over the park.