Match Report O35.1 (04-05-2014)








Match Report

We finally got our season underway with a tough away trip to last year’s GF winner Hazelbrook.

Blustery conditions meant a game plan of keeping the ball on the deck, employing short, sharp passing. In the first half, up until Dunny did his calf by running after a ball, we executed well and had 64.7% of possession. With Rash unavailable (a clash with his regular ‘Making Friends & Influencing People’ class) Pom had slotted in at ‘right back’ (a position Rash has stamped his name on in pre-season). Dunny gone, reshuffle, Pom into sweeper, Zap on. No goals in the first half and not many chances I can recall for either side.

Half time team talk from Coach Joe focused on keeping possession, the short passing etc going and the goals will come … Mid way through the second half Zap sent a long ball over the top (completely against aforementioned game plan) for Suarez to run onto. Suarez cut across the last defender and in doing so was clipped and went down like any good centre forward with South American blood should – it worked, penalty awarded. Cometh the hour, cometh the Ice Man – two steps and the ball slotted away in the corner.

From here on it was ‘park two buses’ to see if Hazo could break us down – they didn’t but did manage to knobble Pom, Ice Man, JB and Ipswich in trying to do so.

All agreed after the game that Zap had it spot on – if the game plan is not working, then stuff it, send a ball over the top for Suarez to chase down.

An excellent start to the season – almost as good as the beer kitty which is nearly up to four figures – good work fellas on both fronts.

Goal Scorers

Ice Man (pen)

Player of the Match