Match Report U10.2 (19-05-2012)
BMFC 0 vs COLO 3 Match Report From the KO Jack Higgins ripped into the oppositions defence but we couldn’t finish off our chances. Ben Hurley hit a long range drive which was brilliantly saved by the GK. …
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BMFC 0 vs COLO 3 Match Report From the KO Jack Higgins ripped into the oppositions defence but we couldn’t finish off our chances. Ben Hurley hit a long range drive which was brilliantly saved by the GK. …
BMFC vs Wentworth Falls Sharks Match Report The Lions had a terrific game. They scored their first goals of the season, won their first match and played extremely well as a team. Each week has seen …
BMFC vs Jaguars Match Report In a fury of fur and teeth the Jaguars and the Zebras played an all-out campaign in the Knapsack Savannah today. The Jaguars found that Zebra muscle is tough and strong, …
BMFC vs U6 Dingos Match Report The mighty Lions put up a brave fight against the older Dingos! Bailey and Ashlee scored goals and Nate, Xavier and Finn showed some great passing and defence. Great work team! Goal …
BMFC vs U7 Panthers Match Report A dwindled Dazzle of Zebras faced up to the Howling Panthers last Saturday. Due to their fantastic sportsmanship in lending us a player each half, the game went on, and …