Match Report O35.4W (03-08-2014)

Match Report O35.4W (03-08-2014)








Match Report

It was a dark and stormy morning that saw the O35 Four Whites take to the second leg of the round robin finals. It was a morning where Crank took a lead in putting up the nets and Dez attempted to function on 2 hours sleep. Both needed a hand!

Finals games are a different beast altogether, and the boys put on their hard hats and went about the work with that in mind. We grabbed possession early and wrestled an early goal with some true grit effort from Crank.

That was the way the first half ended – possession and opportunities.

The second half also saw an early goal … this time from a striker who was on fire today * Hollywood *. Frankie ended up with 3 unofficial goals today (1 being counted, which took the team to 2-0!). This is not to mention the volley that almost took us to 3!

Two sets of ordinary play (probably 60 seconds in total) allowed the opposition to even the score. The only good thing for the team is rule which states that if Crank gives a direct penalty away in the finals, he must furnish the team with a case of Tooheys New! Speaking of which, I hope you’re sourcing the best price on a slab of Tooheys New, Boss, for your wicked throw last week!

Back on track, we saw Hurls snap a shot on goal, only to be deflected into the path of Dirty … who steadied and pushed the ball passed the keeper (low and to the corner).

It was noted that this goal started from a composed play from Tombraider to get the ball from the backline to the feet of the halves (so it was a full field goal)!!.

Good play continued from the backs, showing this same composure throughout the game.

For our final goal the ball had been worked up the field into the 18 yard box – the ball was deflected high into the sky – and 2.75 mm from the ground Dez struck the ball which stayed low (note to Boss!) and took a direct line to the back of the net.

Jokes aside, Bruce featured a lot in this game and proved fearless in the many air skirmishes. Pirate too gave it his all and was unlucky not to feature in the goal tally.

Turtle not only did a golden job in the Sweeper position but showed courage and determination in reff’ing the next game. Seen below in official referee regal. He was truly relaxed. So much so, that one Bluey’s player asking Turtle to slow down as he was causing him to become dizzy!



Goal Scorers

Player of the Match
