Match Report – O35.2 – 10/04/2016

Match Report – O35.2 – Game Date: 10/04/2016

BMFC O35.2: 4
St Marys FC: 0

BMFC Goal Scorers: Grasshopper, GB, Skud (2)

Player of the Match: All

Match Report: It was a dark and stormy morning that we took on St Mary’s at the Cauldron, and we beat them good!

The team welcomed back Crank after a week away on an anger management course. Money back please!!!

Our spectator numbers were boosted with the injured Rusty on the sideline as well as one dying Boss!!! Get better soon guys!!

BK joined us for his first run for 2016. Great to see you hunting that ball again.

And the team bbq made its first appearance too. Awesome bbq – thank you to all who helped from start to finish.

How many goals this week and is anyone (new) off the nudey run???

Answer … 4 and yes! Skud taking an early exit from the nudey run list!

First goal – a GB pinpoint pass through 17 St Marys defenders through to Dez, who smoked the keeper from outside the 18 yards! Whoop! Whoop!

Second goal – Skud smacked the ball into the back of the net whilst carrying 13 St Mary’s players on his back. The ref played advantage.

Third goal – Skud takes a free kick that looks like it was a firm pass back to the keeper. It goes passed one defender, then another, then another, then another, then another, then another before it runs untouched into the back of the net!!!!!

Fourth goal – The Dre takes a pass from yours truly; he weathers a full frontal assault from a St Mary’s defender, then crosses for GB to put away with his trusty head! Whoop! Whoop!

Today we had to weather some ordinary tackles and a good dose of whining … It was good to see us work through that. The team put 4 goals away whilst keeping a clean sheet. Awesome!

Hollywood and I are truly hoping you guys have a totally solid game next weekend, in our absence.