Match Report U5 Hawks (23-06-2012)
BMFC vs U5 Monkeys Match Report A beautiful sunny morning to start the day off, the Hawks were eager to take on the Monkeys. A good warm up and a chance to practice their skills of passing …
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BMFC vs U5 Monkeys Match Report A beautiful sunny morning to start the day off, the Hawks were eager to take on the Monkeys. A good warm up and a chance to practice their skills of passing …
BMFC vs U5 Monkeys Match Report It was a sad week for the Kangaroos after the team heard big money mid- season signing Austin Bock had broken his arm due to a fall while practising his slide tackles. …
BMFC vs Blue Mts Alligators Match Report It was a rainy, cold morning but that did nothing to stop the enthusiasm of the Bears as they took the field against the Alligators. Joey started off brilliantly by showing …
BMFC vs U5 Foxes Match Report With all fingers crossed that the rain would hold off until the end of the game, the Hawks were ready to take on the Foxes. With continuing improvement of passing …
BMFC vs U7 Monkeys Match Report As the morning mist gently rose above the Knapsack Savannah, a troop of Monkeys and the dazzle of Zebras joined together is a friendly game of small side football. A …