Shin Pads must be worn
As we all know, shin pads must be worn at all times by the players whilst on the field of play. Sadly, some players are either not complying with the rules for the wearing of shin pads or they are …
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As we all know, shin pads must be worn at all times by the players whilst on the field of play. Sadly, some players are either not complying with the rules for the wearing of shin pads or they are …
Excellence in Club Administration Award Last November, BMFC was awarded the prestigious Linda Cerone 2013 Excellence in Club Administration award by Nepean Football Association. We missed out on winning this same award in 2012 by only one point, so to receive it …
2013 President’s Report … click here to read
Old (“Historic”) Photos We’re after old photos concerning the club since it first kicked off in the mid-1960s. Any type of photo is welcome – be it action, team, ground, whatever. Please contact us know if you can help.
Bushfire Appeals With the recent devastating fires which occurred not that far from us, here are a couple of ways to help those who lost their homes and those who fought the fires. Click on the links below to find …